Wholesale of hotel and consumer goods


A company engaged in the import and wholesale of hotel and consumer goods is for sale.

Installation of tachographs

Installation of tachographs


For sale is a company engaged in the importation and installation of measuring equipment for the transport sector.

Accounting firm



A company offering accounting services in Estonia is for sale.

Metalworking company

Metallitöötlemise ettevõte

€ 1 200 000

A metalworking company for sale, whose main activity today is the production of metal furniture parts for regular customers and powder coating.
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Grinding supplies and abrasives

Lihvimistarvikute müük


For sale, a company offering grinding equipment for the metal industry, whose main activity is supplying regular contractual customers with consumables.

Construction equipment rental image retrieved from https://www.prohousedemolitionsbrisbane.com